Our Mission

The Mission of Right Path Youth Foundation is to inspire young people by means of providing positive programs that are based on righteous principles.
The Mission of Right Path Youth Foundation is to inspire young people by means of providing positive programs that are based on righteous principles.
To see this organization expand worldwide and become a powerful, positive source of changing lives. To direct the lives we touch toward a positive outlook To provide health and educational assistance while offering recreational activities to help build and improve social skills.
Right Path Youth Foundation aims to mainly impact the lives of youth ages 10-23. Our yout are at risk and, therefore, in viable need of extensive direction, guidance and assistance. However, Right Pat will open its doors to assist anyone in need or our services. We want to act as a viable source to help bring available resources and information to the people that need them most.
The Beat-the-Streets program targets at risk youth in the community in an effort to help them gain direction and spiritual, social and economic guidance. These young people come to Right Path from mostly low income families and under served neighborhoods in Atlanta. The group currently meets on Wednesdays at the Right Path headquarters at 200 Memorial Drive in Downtown Atlanta. The Program consists of group discussions, peer counseling, guests motivational speakers, bible study and one on one interactions. We implement field trips to college and universities, historical museums, and local business venues. The goal is to give the participants a realistic view of how they can beat the temptations of the streets and teach them valuable life skills and help them develop positive attitudes.
Make your donations count. You can make a difference. The send a kid 2 camp program focuses on disadvantaged youth who couldn't otherwise be a part of a summer camp program. Keeping the kids of the streets and out of trouble is a primary focus of the right path youth foundation. Please contact us for more information on how you can help.
The Motivational Program is designed to directly target at risk and high risk youths and ones with a history of juvenile delinquency. This program uses positive role models in the community to influence the youth to change their current situations by changing their behavior. Right Path provides a panel of speakers that infiltrate high schools and youth facility centers to bring inspirational and motivational messages to the youth and direct their focus on positive change.